Matteo Bonalumi

Registered as n. 556 in the professional accounting association of Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors (ODCEC) of Brescia Iscritto al Registro Revisori Contabili con D.M. 12/04/1995, G.U. 31/BIS del 21/04/1995
Registered in “Registro Revisori Contabili” with D.M. 12/04/1995, G.U.31/ BIS of 21/04/1995 and office in Brescia, Via Dei Mille 26\b
He is working as a consultant (registered in the professional association from 1989) with specialization in the financial field and in details he has worked as a consultant for:
Banks, Audit Firms, Trusts
Security Firms (SIM SGR)
Financial Businesses ex artt. 106 e 113 T.U.B.
He is also working as company auditor in various industrial and financial businesses, and also he is a member of the Supervisory Board 231\2001